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tv   The FOX Report With Shepard Smith  FOX News  August 9, 2011 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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with a serious hobbit infestation. >> bret: thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. fair, balanced, on our way to iowa unafraid. >> shepard: riots spread in london. new developments in the death investigation in the mystery at the mansion. first tonight a wild ride on wall street. whoever is driving that train must be drunk. finally, a rebound. traders apparently hoping for a a lifeline from d.c. how much county government do? plus, more chaos in the united united kingdom. >> they are traumatized. they are absolutely shaking with fear. >> shepard: now a crackdown.
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>> you will feel the full force of the law. >> shepard: tonight, the battle to take back the streets. and mystery at the mansion. >> we have obviously had an extraordinarily difficult time. some tragedies, some losses. >> shepard: we are hearing from the millionaire whose son and girlfriend turned up dell dead in his home. but, first from fox this tuesday night, another harrowing session on wall street after days of huge losses. today, more wild swings and more stomach churning moments for those with a 401(k). this time, we ended in the positive. stocks rose at the opening bell, pulled back in the negative territory when the federal reserve announced it was keeping interest rates at record lows. then, in the final hour and a half, a swing of 640 points and suddenly the market had bounced back, easing or i should say erasing most of yesterday's losses. the dow ended up more than 400 points. the nasdaq 125. the s&p up more than 50.
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investors had a hard time figuring out the announcement from the fed that it's holding its target for the federal funds rate at a record low near 0%. that's the interest banks charge each other for overnight loans. it influences the prime rate, which, in turn, effects interest that folks pay to borrow money. just about any money. in its statement, the board said that it made these decisions and admitted that, quote, economic growth so far this year has been considerably slower than the committee had expected. the statement went on to indicate that economic conditions are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least through mid 2013. that's a huge change from its previous statements, in which it only predicted rates will remain low, quote, for an extended period. gerri willis from the fox business network is with us now. that doesn't sound like a big deal but i guess it was. >> it sure is a big deal. the first response from that report from the fed was hey they say the economy is weaker than we thought. we believe it's weaker than we
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thought. so they sold off. good news here though interest rates will stay lower through 2013. what you saw was the biggest dissent we have ever seen from the fed. three of the fed's governors saying i don't agree with that. we should talk about when we should raise rates. big dissent. that was a surprise. >> shepard: after mauling it over a bit, investors after selling off seemed to think it was a buying opportunity. >> they sure did. 640 point change in direction. a really big rally. shocking, surprising. as many as stocks rose on the new york stock exchange for every one that fell. there was 12% profit increase for these companies that has been baked in and that's one reason why people were looking for value here. these stocks are not trading on their fundamentals. they are not trading on their earnings. they were trading out of fear. so there were real bargains out there, shep. >> shepard: gerri willis her report airs weekdays 5:00. 2:00 pacific.
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thanks. the deal to raise the nation's debt limit super committee to come up with more spending cuts. now we are learning hot first members of that super committee will be. a live update from d.c. coming up in just a few minutes. first though the tech giant apple briefly surpassed exxon mobil today as america's most valuable company. at least on paper. for a few moments during trading, the apple mt capitalization, which is the total value of all its shares added up rose above that of exxon. it's been trending that way for some time now, but, as you can see by the end of the day exxon was back on top. the next highest valued companies on wall street, microsoft, ibm and chevron all trailed far behind. the remains of 30 americans killed on the deadliest day yet for the war in afghanistan are now back home. the victims included members of navy seals team 6. the same unit that killed usama bin laden. president obama visiting dover air force base in delaware today for a private tribute to the fallen heros.
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we're told he also met with their families. and we're hearing from more of those relatives tonight. including a grandmother who used a little tough love to teach future navy seal derek benson how to swim. >> he used to scream when we wanted to put him in the water. he did not like water the other players are were playing. i got disgusted. i can swim. i threw him in. he spitted and sputtered around and came out. he just looked at me. didn't say anything. and i said now you are going to learn to swim. >> shepard: he obviously gong the hang of it eventually. another navy seal jason workman was on his seventh tour of duty. he leaves behind a wife and little boy not even two years old. >> he just died doing what he thought was right thing to do like all the rest of them over there that did the same thing. a lot of families like ours are grieving pretty heavily. >> shepard: grieving heavily. today their commander and chief
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grieved with. they jennifer griffin at the pentagon. it was a private ceremony did. he they relet anything. >> the media was not allowed to cover the sara person who because most of the remains have not been identified and many of the families had requested that the media not be present. the president however, was, he spent, as you mentioned, about 70 minutes meeting with the families. he was at dover for about five hours. he boarded each plane and say a prayer over the 38 coffins. so much has been made of the navy seals. not enough has been made of the air crew. among them sergeant patrick hamburger of nebraska the national guard. airmen danieler ser bay. john brown, a pararescue man. army reserve specialist spencer duncan the door gunner. alexander bennett and pilot brian nicoles based in kansas city, missouri. the pentagon still not releasing the full list of the name and they may change their minds at
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some point but the media has gotten ahold the names through independent means, shep. >> shepard: jen, it's my understanding there is an update on the investigation into that crash now. >> that's right a brigadier general has been put in charge by central command, questions about the crash of the chinook ch 47. why so many members of one unit were on board one helicopter was the root into the valley preprogrammed and predictable to enemy fire? why were seals flying army chinooks with less fire power than usual? should seal team 6 have been used as the imprecede i can't tell reaction force? was there another helicopter deployed? will the unmanned aerial surveillance footage reveal it was a rocket propelled grenade that brought down the helicopter. tonight there remained more questions than answers. >> shepard: jennifer griffin at the pentagon. london the tripling the number of police on the streets.
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[shouting] another day of violence, riots. fox reports on what's driving this violence and what's being done now to stop it plus, the polygamous cult leader who claimed god wanted him to have sex as he put it with 12-year-old girls. finds out how long a jury wants him to stay behind bars. from the journalists of fox news. this is a tuesday fox report. ♪
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>> shepard: london is on lockdown now just after midnight there as police brace for a fourth night of violent riots. [shouting] this all started with peaceful protests last weekend over a police shooting. now, the worst unrest in great britain since a series of race riots in the 1980s. rioters looting stores and trashing cars and buildings. earlier today amy kellogg got a look at some the aftermath.
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>> what started out as a night of rage, people protesting in the neighborhood of tottenham against a killing of a man by police officers has just sprirld out of control. it's turned into something else. this indiscriminate nate looting neighborhood by neighborhood. check it out here in organic juice bar trashed last night. a charity shop also on this block. and this a baby clothing store. residents were asking what was the point of this? where is the anger? who are you targeting? basically it's not clear what is going on and what has sparked it. a lot of people are saying for some of these violent young men it's just a bit of twisted fun. >> shepard: police are reporting the violence has injured more than 100 officers. they are investigating the shooting death now of a 26-year-old man. the first fatality. they have stationed thousands of additional officers on the streets of london early this wednesday morning in response to a public outcry that they haven't done enough to crack down on the violence.
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>> the overall effect is one fear when you talk to people around, nobody can believe it leaving in fear because there is rumors going around what might happen today, tomorrow, the weekend. and also the damage to businesses. all of these businesses that we see here, all being boarded up. they are not going to open. that's bad for the economy. >> shepard: we have just gotten word that british far right group leaders thousand members are taking to the streets to deter the rioters. told people are so frightened that they are barricading themselves inside buildings. that's what this woman did blocking herself in before a fire swept right through. the traumatic pictures, look at this. showing her jumping from her home to safety. moments before the flames destroyed the place. just moments ago, police announced they have arrested a suspect in that apparent arson. lots developing right now chief fox report chief correspondent jonathan hunt is with us. this has gone from a local thing. as i was reading that entire report there this crossed from associated press, a british far right group leader says a
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thousand members are going to take to the streets to deter the rioters. i guess the people are trying to take over what has become a national crisis. >> the last thing anybody needs is for britain's far right groups to get involved in this thinking on the rioters themselves instead of the police. but the violence is spreading right across britain now. it started obviously in done loan. now there have -- london. fresh riots in bristol. birmingham and liverpool and manchester. getting record tonight in nothingham, a police station was fire bombed. the prime minister said again today this is nothing more than basic thuggery. and he had a warning for those taking part in these riots. listen. >> you will feel the full force of the law. and if you are old enough to commit these crimes you are old enough to face the punishment. to these people i would say this, you are not only wrecking
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the lives of others. you are not only wrecking your own communities, you are potentially wrecking your own life, too. >> and in a warning from the police, the chief of the metropolitan police, that's the london police force said they will now fight fire with fire after standing off, they may even use plastic bullets tonight if they feel it's necessary. shep. >> shepard: a quarter past midnight. i can't seem to get an answer for what's driving this thing. >> it doesn't seem to be anything in particular. what the prime minister and other officials have said and this seems to be good evidence to this is that this is nothing more than a bunch of thugs who want to break into stores and help themselves to new electronics, cell phones, or even sneakers. take a look at one particular piece of video which captures the opportunityism of this. young boy injured on the ground bleeding. the mob moves in. they go as if they are trying to help him. they pick him up off the floor and then another one comes. in look at him. they open the kid's backpack as he stands there, dazed, confused
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and hurt and eventually the guy in the cap takes out something, looks like a cell phone, maybe an mp 3 player and walks off with it they rob a victim of the violence and a lot of people are saying they just had enough of this shep. that's why you hear people like this going on to the streets. friends i have spoken to friends and family in britain. fed up with it want the police to do something right now. overnight hours we'll be watching closely and have live updates throughout the evening. jonathan, thanks very much. life in prison, plus 20 years. that's the sentence a jury in texas handed down today to the convicted polygamist cult leader warren jeffs. the same jury last week found him guilty of sexually assaulting two of his child brides. at the time the girls were 12 and 15 years old. he made them marry him. told the parents god insisted. these are pictures of jeffs with some of his brides. and they are repulsive. these are from kstu in salt lake
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city. jeffs himself was once one of the fbi's 10 most wanted. he claims the feds were violating his religious rights. still reportedly has some 10,000 followers. texas department of criminal justice reports warren jeffs will be eligible for parole in 35 years when he is 90 years old. a multimillionaire now commenting on the mysterious death of his girlfriend and his son. that plus the latest on the investigation into how they died within days of each other in a mansion. one of them with a noose around her neck. the son fell down the stairs, they tell us. and a milestone in the casey anthony case. today would have been little caylee's sixth birthday. so who showed to the memorial? that's ahead.
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>> shepard: a millionaire pharmaceutical executive speaking publicly for the first time since his son and girlfriend died at his mansion just days apart. here is the man coming up here eventually. his brother, found the girlfriend's body last month. she was hanging from a balcony naked. her hands and feed tied. a rope around her neck. days before that, the drug exec's 6-year-old son reportedly fell down the stairs. his injuries so severe he later died. the ceo talked about their deaths yesterday during a conference call. >> we have obviously had an extraordinarily difficult time. we have undertaken some tragedies, some losses, that one couldn't imagine suffering in a lifetime. >> he plans to return to work soon but the investigation far from over. trace gallagher live in our west coast news hub. what's the latest from the cops, trace? >> well, we know the autopsy and
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the toxicology reports, shep, are now due back on the girlfriend sometime next week. the and the san diego county sheriff's department just told us a short time ago they are planning to have a joint news conference with the coronado police which is where all this all happened as soon as those results come back. now there are reports that investigators may be shifting their stance on this a little bit. remember last month, the investigators said the odds of rebekah killed herself were about 50/50. now the reports are they are leaning more away from suicide and more toward murder: of course, varies -- investigators will not confirm or deny that for us. we will certainly find out in a few days. there is finally movement on this case, shep. >> shepard: the investigation has appeared to hurt business as well there, hey trace? >> yeah, since this happened on july 149. the stock price of the company that jonas shackni is the chief executive officer went down 19%.
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medicis cells mostly acne cream and wrinkle cream. despite a drop in business our corporate cousin at the "wall street journal" reports the company could be bought out for some $375 million. the man you saw there jonas is not commenting on that. it's unclear if there is a murder investigation how that would effect the sale of medicis. shep? >> shepard: trace gallagher live in los angeles. thanks. caylee anthony would have turned 6 years old today. to mark the day they're planning to build a memorial in her honor. we are told it will be next to the central florida woods where the toddler's remains turned up now three years ago. the project has raised $25,000 so far. still needs zoning approval. caylee's grandparents showed up at the site tonight but the little girl's mother, casey anthony nowhere to be found. she has been in hiding or something since last month after the jury acquitted her of killing her little girl. the agency that downgraded
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america's credit rating lays some of the blame on the partisan politics in washington. and it seems most americans are none too pleased with congress either that could mean big changes coming in 2012. a live report on america's election headquarters coming up. plus. >> may day, may day. >> three people in the water. the boat had sunk. >> shepard: stranded in frigid water miles from the shore and the entire ordeal captured on video. the story and bottom of the hour headlines straight ahead. [ artis brown ] america is facing some tough challenges right now.
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>> shepard: u.s. officials reportedly telling the associated press that the administration is ready to call on the syrian president bashar assad to step down. fox news has not independently confirmed that report but it's been a long time coming. nearly 2,000 people have been murdered according to authorities by assad's government. president obama and other top u.s. officials have reportedly said that president assad has, quote, lost legitimacy but they have not yet specifically demanded that he step down. whatever, we are today that the treasury department will soon hit the syrian president and its regime with economy. killed 1700 people just since march. we can't confirmed that the syrian government won't let our sources. in telling the associated press the white house is preparing to call for the syrian president, bashar assad to step down. also tonight, a girl finds a large diamond in her backyard
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that tops our news across america. california. the 8-year-old says she was practicing golf outside her home south of los angeles when. >> there was something shiny and then i picked it up. >> we're told her dad crashed ton some glass to test and a jeweler confirmed it's genuine one karat diamond reportedly worth a thousand bucks. massachusetts, a helmet camera reporting a water rescue off martha's vineyard. three men say they were fishing when their boat sank. >> from the time that we thought the boat was in good shape, to when the boat was clearly sinking, there was maybe 15 seconds. >> shepard: nearby fishing ship respond stod the radio call for help. arizona. police arrest ago phoenix mom for leaving her kids home alone while she went out partying. authorities say they found the kids in dirty diapers, eating off the floor. the mom reportedly claims a niece was supposed to take care
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of them. oregon. a hiker who survived a 50-foot fall and three nights in a for rest talking about her ordeal. >> i guess just like that drive to live was so strong for me. i just like really felt like i just wasn't done yet. >> she had broken bones in her leg and back when army national guardsmen found her last week. she said she ate caterpillars and berries to survive. now she is part of a fox watch across america. >> i'm shepard smith. this is the fox report. it's the bottom of the hour. time for the top of the news. the super committee has its first three members. senate majority leader harry reid making his picks for the panel. it will be in charge of finding for spending cuts as part of the deal to raise the nation's debt limit. ed henry live on the north lawn. president obama said that committee should also tackle tax reform. who are the first members? >> you are right. we're reading the tea leaves now the first three members patty
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murray a senator from washington state. max balk cuss from montana and john kerry, of course from massachusetts. interesting because republicans are jumping on the fact that patty murray heads the democratic senatorial campaign committee the one focused on getting democrats reelected is that a good idea when you are focused on policy supposedly not politics. john kerry, of course, a former presidential candidate. i think if you look at matt baucus is he known as a centrist. someone who has reached across the aisle to republicans on issues like taxes. and "u.s.a. today" gallup has a new poll out today saying six in ten americans want this super committee to be focused on compromise not the same old hard line on each side of the partisan divide. we will see hot republicans pick on the other side and whether or not both sides are going to get serious here, shep. >> on a another note we are learning more about the president's trip that he is taking next week, right? >> going to be going on a with us tour three days rural economic summit. he will be in minnesota, iowa, and illinois. bottom line here what the president is trying to project.
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he has been stuck in washington. dealing with the debt ceiling debate other things. seen his poll numbers slide. president in both parties like to get out of washington of the get out in the country. show people heard their pain. some of these are states that he has got to have. he wants to make sure he gets iowa. he wants to make sure he keeps minnesota on the democratic side. a lot of these states. unemployment is even higher than the national average. going to be hard for him to hold some of these states in line. >> shepard: the election still is 15 months away. see seem to love polls in this country and there is a new one out and he probably doesn't like it? >> he doesn't like it because 51% of the people polled by "u.s.a. today" gallup are saying they don't want him to get a second term. 47% are saying he does deserve re-election. if there is any solace for the president. number one, when asked about congress, and whether individual members of congress deserve re-election, 24 percent said yes. only 24%. about 70 percent said. no so, if the president is held in lowest steam.
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congress is even lower number one. and i talked to stu rothenberg a the president with the eelect number of 47%. not too bad. you could expect it to be even lower at this point. 47 not that bad, shep. >> shepard: ed henry out in the yard at the white house. mitt romney is still the president's top challenger according to the same poll. shows the same massachusetts governor 24%. look who variety behind him there the texas governor rick perry. as we reported here last night we are expecting him to announce this weekend that he does plan to get into the race. analysts say that could change a lot. fox news is america's election headquarters. and the host of the next republican presidential debate is this thursday, 9:00 eastern. 8:00 in oxford it will be live from ames, iowa. the home of this weekend's big g.o.p. straw poll. there is more info about this debate and what you will hear there is all at drought and famine in one of the
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world's most dangerous countries have things reportedly spinning out of control as millions of people reach desperately for food. the united nations estimates tens of thousands of people in somalia have already fallen victim to starvation and violence. this is video of a father who says he had to bury five of his children. five who died as they made their way to the capital of mogadishu. but the situation in that city reportedly not much better. one of our producers spoke by phone to a contact who is working in mogadishu. and we're told the sick and dying are everywhere. there are reports up to half million people have already poured across the border into kenya. which is now home to the world's largest refugee camp. and making matters worse, gangs of criminals and militants have reportedly been killing, raping, and robbing those in need. david lee miller in our new york city newsroom. it's worse by the day. >> unfortunately it does. so far the u.n. has raised about $1 billion to fight the famine in africa with roughly half the
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donations coming from u.s. taxpayers. some critics though argue that the world body did too little too late. somalia's former prime minister said the famine caused by drought was entirely predictable. he also criticizes the u.n. for not grasping the full scope of disaster. basis of operations is into robe buy nairobi. >> one of the reasons to ask them to move to mogadishu is to see what is happening on the ground. since they are stationed in nairobi they cannot see what's happening. >> the u.n. says criticism of the organization's efforts to prevent thousands from starving is unfair. a u.n. official says the organization rang the famine alarm bell last november. the u.n.'s under secretary for humanitarian affairs says al shabaab which is classified as a terrorist organization said it was better off to starve than accept western aid. the group posed a serious threat
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to u.n. relief workers reminiscent of other trouble spot. >> the u.n. itself and its staff from been targeted in places like iraq, has been targeted for example in afghanistan. that we have lost significant numbers of people. this is of course affected the way the united nations looks at security. >> the u.n. says the recent withdrawal of islamic extremists from the capital of mogadishu could make it easier to feed starving somalis but the situation remains volatile and dangerous. shepard? >> shepard: david lee miller tonight in new york city. maybe the most dangerous family in the country? a stripper and her brothers are on the run and the cops warn they have lots of weapons. they are considered very armed and very dangerous. a live report on the search for the siblings accused of shooting up a police car and robbing a bank with semiautomatic weapons. plus, another american woman has disappeared in aruba. not far at all from where natalee holloway vanished years
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if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> shepard: fly siblings accused of shooting at police in georgia and robbing a bank in georgia. by now the fugitives could be anywhere. started last week when police tried to pull over the trio for speeding. instead they reportedly fired at least 20 shots before they got away. dash cam video of the chase. just into us today. we are told a bullet hit one of the police car's tires. fortunately that officer is okay. a few hours later the siblings reportedly stormed a bank in georgia and made off with a bunch of money. we don't know how much. they won't tell us. an attorney for one of the brothers says his clients seem to live in some kind of fantasy world blank look on his face hard to focus and look in my eyes. i found that disconcerting because i wanted him to
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understand what was going on. >> three are extremely dangerous and that's a quote. worried this may end with a shootout with police. phil keating in south florida tonight. a few hours ago you spoke with a long-time boyfriend of this sister that's involved in this trio. has he heard from her. >> brandon who has dated lee greas daugherty for about the last five years said he has not heard or spoken from her since he last saw her the day before all of this went down. is he glad for that fact because he doesn't really want to be involved with her at that pointh that lee grace daugherty the 29-year-old sibling in the wetriprty ga until about tee here in florida cocoa beach at a place called cheaters. employees there say her stage n.s.a. name was gracy. never a problem never violent. she and her bro two brothers ryan and dillon sure did love their guns showing them four of them which they would off go off and go shooting. he confirmed to us one of them absolutely is an ak 4'.
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shep? >> phil, speaking of lawlessness, the gougest brother of the three here. 21 years oold, old and 14 felony convictions already. >> yeah. quite impressive for the 21-year-old ryan daugherty. most recent felony conviction arguably his most really truly disturbing. we'll get more to that in a second. it's him that authorities believe led to the whole dash cam captured high speed chase. because he was supposed to have been registered as a sex offender at that moment but had not done so so it's very likely he had the three been pulled over he would have been going straight to jail. the reason for that the day before the judge sentenced him 10 years probation for sending harmful messages, emails or texts to a minor. turns out that was an 11-year-old girl. i have got the charging affidavit. the things that he sent 376 times were so disturbing, so triple x rated we can't even fair phrase them for you. we just got world that colorado springs police say they may have
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seen a vehicle. everyone warned to be on the lookout though. >> shepard: phil keating in south florida tonight. thanks. police on the caribbean island of aruba saying another american woman has gone missing in exact the same town where natalee holloway disappeared six years ago. according to investigators, a travel companion, the 3 a-year-old robin gardner claims the pair went snorkeling and that she saw someone vanish there in the ocean. but we're told police maintain that the man just got -- detained that man just before he got on a plane to fly home to the u.s. and he has changed his story several times. as you will recall, natalee holloway disappeared on the school trip back in '05 but nobody has ever found any of her remains. shannon bream with us now. what's the latest on this case, shannon. >> i talked with the aruban prosecutor's office just a short time ago. they say they are taking this very seriously. working around the are clock to try to find robin gardner or find out what happened to her.
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her traveling companion you mentioned has been arrested and detained on suspicion of involvement in her disappearance. authorities are well aware that this case reawakens all the memories about the natalee holloway case. the two women disappeared from the same resort area six years apart. shep? >> shepard: what about her traveling companion? >> well, gardner was in aruba -- they are both from maryland. he has apparently told authorities they went snorkeling. she didn't make it back safely to shore. is he in custody. the prosecutor's office tells me he will be back before a judge this weekend. at that point they say investigators will present the evidence they have gathered so far. the judge can then decide whether to continue holding him or to release him. now another man back in maryland richard forester says he and robin gardner have been dating for months. is he growing increasingly concerned about her. >> she has been missing for six days, so every day that goes by gets a lot worse. thinking that she won't be back. >> forrester says that robin's
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blackberry and ipad are being searched for any additional clues, shep. >> shepard: shan nom none bream in d.c. thanks. a deadly fire tearing through a nursing home and that tops our news around the world in 80 seconds. chile, that fire destroying the place in the southern town. a doctor says police and neighbors managed to pull out 11 people. but nine others died. the victims reportedly all at least 70 years old and unable to leave their beds. we're told high winds fed the flames. authorities say a faulty heater could have caused the fire but the investigation ongoing. north carolina. a tropical storm sweeping across parts of the country. the official news agency reports the rough weather has killed or injured at least 10 people. destroyed hundreds of homes and ruined tens of thousands of acres of cropland. cuba. the american woman who was trying to set a world record swimming from cuba to florida calling off the attempt. diana my ad's twitter feed gave
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up after 29 hours. apparently suffering severe asthma attack and shoulder pain while fighting strong cure rents it was her second attempt at the florida straits. back in 1978 when she was 28 she lasted nearly 42 hours. india. a road construction crew discovering more than 100 abe shent islamic coins in the northern state. one resident claiming the copper pieces could be about 700 years old. there are reports that locals looted some coins before police and archaeologists arrived. that's a wrap on this fox trip around the world in 80 seconds. >> shepard: when times get tough vegas gets creative. next, what folks in sin city are doing to keep economic uncertainty out of the casinos and draw in more tourists, plus severe turbulence on commercial flight forcing emergency landing and sending passengers to the hospital. that's coming up. c ♪
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>> shepard: just into fox news we are getting word of an explosion which has torn apart some buildings in los angeles. live pictures courtesy of kttv. not sure what sparked the blast. don't know exactly what sort of business it is. caused a large part of roof to be blown out. earlier reports are that the blast injured four people all of them to be seriously injured. firefighters are now checking to make sure nobody else is trapped in there as they zoom in, you can see they have a real mess on their hands. los angeles is the scene. news as warranted. las vegas casinos are now offering folks a sweeter deal in an effort to deep what's happening on wall street from spreading to the strip some ways
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that could be a difficult task. stocks fell. winds, sand and boyd which run as number of them rallied in the last five days of trading. amid all the economic concerns, one industry's ceo says people just want a good deal. thus, the newest vegas wrinkle, the casino operators call party pit. what's a party pit, anita vogel? >> >> hi there, shepard. we're going to till. let me tell you the casino industry is down about $2 billion in revenues from just four years ago. so owners are doing whatever they can to recoup that money, in true vegas fashion. casinos are pulling out all the bells and whistles. party pits, combining gamenned and entertainment. >> several different elements added to a gaming experience from dancers to uniforms to
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choreographed shows. music to the lights. >> pleasure pit to caesar's pussy cat dolls to toby keith. >> to me country fans are friendly. talk to each other. where are you from? makes the whole gambling thing go better especially if you are losing. >> others look to the past to reinvent the future. >> we're the only room in town that has coin machines. >> just the joy of seeing them come out. you know you are winning something. >> gaming experts say it's a win-win. >> at the end of the day, i think it's good for the casino. i think a lot of the excitement that it brings. >> now, some casinos insist those party pits are profitable for them but gaming experts insist there is no way to really tell because there haven't been any detailed studdies done. they also don't know whether people are actually spending more time and money in those party pits, but, shepard, from what we saw they sure do look like they're having a great time and they will probably be back for more. >> let it ride.
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anita vogel on the strip. i'm jealous. thank you. [ laughter ] >> shepard: fox news weather center. really hot. august really hot, weird, right? this is really hot though. some of the worst of it all in dallas. where temperatures are 100 degrees or higher for 39 straight days now. stop it. stovers say -- forecasters say it t. is far from over. government analysts say oklahoma set a national record in july with the hottest monthly national temperature any state has ever recorded. 89.9 degrees. the number securing its spot in history. we are getting the word american airlines flight had to make emergency landing. turbulence injuring a flight attendant and two passengers. happened earlier today on a flight carrying 152 people from miami to d.c. rough air near the florida-georgia border so the pilot diverted to the charlie's ton, south carolina. the plane landed safely and last
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check officials said they were sending in another plane to bring the passengers to d.c. high speed car chase in texas that we covered earlier on "studio b." a man in a black pickup truck ran from police in houston after he reportedly spotted him making some sort of drug deal. the police tell our affiliate there that the officers saw the suspect throw what appeared to them to be drugs out the window as he raced down local highways while talking to somebody on the cell phone. les than 20 minutes after it all began. the suspect crawled out on hands and knees and surrendered. the cops say the suspect had been carrying two pounds. two pounds of crystal meth. is the red m&m turning kids into bully's? look. that's helping people rethink how they live. ♪ in here, video games are not confined to screens.
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♪ excuse me, hi. my grandfather lived in this village. [ woman speaking italian ] [ male announcer ] in here, everyone speaks the same language. ♪ in here, cars call mechanics before you do. ♪ [ radio chatter, siren wails ] pass me to the patient, please. [ male announcer ] in here, doctors see you before you get to the hospital. no, we didn't pass it. yeah, pull up the map. [ male announcer ] in here, friends leave you messages written in the air. that's it right there. ♪ [ male announcer ] it's the at&t network... a network of possibilities... and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. ♪
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two of the most important are energy security and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands ojobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for oucountry's energy security and our economy. >> two month in long study that the red m&m is not a bully.
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australia's standard bureau tv ad after talking chocolate got negative reaction from viewers. >> is that voodoo doll. >> yeah that new almond m&m that's your your yellow. yep that will teach him. >> shepard: somebody complained the ad gives bullying acceptable. some see the ad as ridiculous and light-hearted no word on how much that study costs. top stories updated now. the dow ended the day up 429 points. another wild ride on wall street. it came after the federal reserve announced it's ceeble its target for key interest rate near zero for at least another two years. had amid the remains of soldiers who died after shot down helicopter in afghanistan. they are now back on u.s. soil. we're now told president obama met with their families earlier today for some five hours this
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weekend's attack was the single deadliest during the longest war we have ever had thonel day back in 1988 wayne gretzky left the oilers for the los angeles kings in what is considered one of the most controversial trades in sports history. at the time, the canadian born super star was bar none the very best player in the nhl in his nine sear reese 8 most valuable player. and the oilers had won the stanley cup four times. when the team announced the gretzky trade, many folks up north went cuckoo. some called him a national trader. gretzky said he wanted to help his new team for the good of pro-hockey. the great one skated away 23 years ago today


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